One more month...

So tomorrow starts the last month of the school year... (Ok well graduation is in June but it's pretty much the same thing). It's been a year of making new friends and loosing old friends. A year of change. A year of heartache and a year of laughs. I'm so glad it's ending. Sometimes all I can remember is the bad things and I just want it to end. But then I think about what's going to happen in the next year.
I haven't always been the person that welcomes change and so it's going to be hard for me. I'm just afraid that the people that are leaving aren't going to want to talk to me anymore. Or that no matter how hard I try to keep other people in my life they are just going to keep walking out of it.
I don't want to keep things the same but I don't want things to change. I just don't know.
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